Imagine waking up each morning in the heart of the Sacred Valley of Peru, nestled at the base of majestic mountains.

Each dawn, the valley's enchanting silence sets the stage for your transformative journey, as you engage in the study and practice of yoga.

Get certified to teach and eligible to register with Yoga Alliance amidst this landscape brimming with sacred mountains, mysticism, and the vibrant culture of Peru. 

You will be invited to align with Earth's natural rhythms through traditional Peruvian ceremonies and yoga, embracing lunar cycles and seasonal shifts for a transformative spiritual journey.

Immerse in Yoga in the Breathtaking Landscape AND CULTURE of Peru's Sacred Valley!

This teacher training offers students in-depth skills to explore Yoga as a vehicle for holistic health, self-transformation, and the ability to guide others in a healing yoga practice.

Our curriculum includes a unique blend of alignment-based vinyasa flow, a solid foundation in Hatha Yoga, and 200 hours of instruction offered within a therapeutic framework.

The instruction will cover a wide range of Yoga techniques including yoga postures, relaxation, breath awareness, pranayama, meditations to calm the mind, contemplations to transform limiting tendencies into life-affirming thought patterns, and the application of clear, anatomy-informed principles of alignment to create safety, balance, and freedom in Yoga poses. 

Students explore yoga's ancient knowledge and concepts from yogic philosophy including Ayurveda, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and the Chakra System as frameworks for the application of Yoga as a journey towards radiant health and well-being.

The physical emphasis includes mindful vinyasa yoga offered through a lens of biomechanically sound and anatomy-informed alignment. Expect both mindful vinyasa flow sequencing as well as gentler and restorative variations. Your classes will include physical postures from all categories of poses including standing poses, hip openers, forward bends, backward bends, twists, inversions, balancing, supine, seated, and prone. 

Variations for all levels of practitioners will be provided, all abilities and ALL bodies are welcome to attend.

Rather than offer standard sequencing or rigid methodologies, students are exposed to frameworks that inspire each practioner to adopt the practices, awaken their creativity, and find their own authentic voice as a teacher.

Graduates of this program feel empowered to instruct a variety of yoga class types, including all levels vinyasa flow yoga, alignment-based classes, yoga foundations, senior, gentle, and restorative.

What You'll Learn In Your 200 Teacher Training

quick view

Yoga Style: Mindful Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha, and Restorative through a Therapeutic Lens

Pose Study with Adaptations for ALL BODIES (includes standing poses, hip openers, forward bends, twists, backbends, inversions, and supine)

Alignment: Bio-mechanically sound & anatomy informed alignment

Skill Level: All levels of yoga practitioners are  welcome. Some come to deepen their practice and others to learn to teach.

Class Demographics:  Ages 17 – 70, diversity welcome. Our class sizes are typically between 18 - 24 students with 2 experienced instructors.

Certification: Soma Yoga Institute 200 Certification, Yoga Alliance RYT-200 Upon Successful Completion

Instructors: Train with C-IAYT Certified Yoga Therapists & E-RYT 500 Master Teachers with 25 + years experience

Learn to teach with safety, skill, and confidence

"This experience was a blessing and one of the best gifts of my life.  It was a profound healing time for me, on so many levels, more than I️ imagined.  The surroundings of nature, the support of all the yogis, nourishing meals, daily meditation, and daily asana formed the perfect container for this journey. I really liked how the daily agenda was broken up with meditation at the beginning of the day and a nice variety of daily Asana, lecture, group work, and solo reflection time. I️ really liked the intelligent and thoughtful approach to sequencing, looking at alignment through different bodies was eye opening. I️ so enjoyed the Ayurveda and study of the Yoga Sutras. Our teachers are so knowledgeable and experienced. I️ highly recommend. - Carolyn Blackmon, 200 Hour & 300 Hour Peru Yoga Teacher Training Graduate

- Carolyn

Christine, a seasoned yoga instructor and founder of the international school Om Shree Om, began her yoga journey in 1990, driven by a desire for emotional balance and mental clarity from her stressful teaching career. Renowned for her expertise in therapeutic yoga, Christine excels in teaching alignment, biomechanics, and fascial health, integrating these into a holistic approach that promotes healing and well-being. As a teacher trainer, she imparts this deep knowledge to aspiring yoga teachers, enhancing their practices with her fun-spirited and engaging teaching style. Her methodology not only addresses individual needs but also emphasizes the importance of fascia and miofascial lines in supporting effective and safe yoga practices.

meet your instructors

Peggy Profant

more about Peggy

Peggy Profant, a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist and Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher, is a passionate, playful spirit deeply committed to the path of Yoga. With over 25 years of experience, her teaching blends ancient wisdom with biomechanically sound alignment, guiding students to anchor in their true selves. Her extensive training spans Kripalu, traditional Ashtanga under BNS Iyengar in Mysore, India, and Anusara. Certified as a yoga therapist, Peggy customizes practices to meet holistic student needs. A seasoned mentor, she has led numerous global teacher trainings and workshops since 2005, fostering a community focused on self-love and holistic health. Her professional experience includes managing her own yoga studio for a decade, enhancing her leadership within the yoga community.

Christine McArdle

more about Christine

E-RYT 500 C-IAYT Yoga Therapist

MA, Author, E-RYT, YACEP

As a teen she discovered Kripalu yoga and changed the course of her life in her formative teen years. In 1994 she met her teacher, BNS Iyengar in Mysore, India who taught her the traditional forms of Ashtanga yoga. In 2001 she became interested in a more therapeutic approach to help her heal from injuries. She found Anusara Yoga and delighted in it's style of weaving meaningful heart themes into therapeutically aligned sequences. Peggy pursued the rigorous path to become a Certified Anusara Teacher in 2004 and began to delve into more studies of the therapeutic aspects of yoga.

Every class she teaches is an artistic expression with meaningful and uplifting heart themes partnered with skillful sequencing and therapeutic alignment. As a yoga practitioner and teacher for over 25 years, Peggy has always been intrigued by the aspects of mental well-being through yoga. In her studies to become a yoga therapist, she focused primarily on yoga psychology and the healing benefits of yoga for herself and her clients.

Peggy is a thoughtful and encouraging mentor to many students and yoga teachers in her community and around the globe. It is her wish to empower her students, friends and colleagues to overcome obstacles to self love and allow each person to joyfully offer their gifts back to humanity. In addition to Yoga, traveling and being in nature with her family is where she finds her deepest joy and peace. Peggy founded and operated a premier yoga studio in Arcata, Om Shala Yoga, for 10 years, and co-founded World Family Yoga leading family retreats in Costa Rica. She has been leading workshops, retreats and Yoga Teacher Trainings since 2005.

 "Peggy’s alignment instructions brought ease and joy into my practice as well as a new sense of trust. Her way of being in the world has modeled compassionate presence, lightheartedness, attentive listening and careful speech. I have loved being her student and am sure her teachings will ripple through my life in wonderful ways." -Lina

Peggy Profant

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Christine's initial exposure to yoga's profound impact began with her training in the Iyengar and Kripalu styles, where she appreciated the detailed focus on alignment and the integration of spiritual elements into physical practice. Her passion for yoga deepened further through her certification in Anusara yoga, renowned for its heart-opening sequences and therapeutic approach. Over the decades, she has continued to expand her expertise, incorporating elements from various yoga disciplines to enhance her teaching and provide a rich, diverse experience for her students.

In her role as a global yoga educator, Christine has traveled extensively, offering teacher training and workshops that aim to not only teach the physical postures but also impart a deeper understanding of yoga philosophy and meditation. Her teachings emphasize the development of a mindful practice that aligns body, mind, and spirit, with a strong focus on the health of the physical body through understanding biomechanics and fascial networks. This comprehensive approach has enabled her to mentor thousands of students and yoga teachers worldwide, fostering a community that values holistic health and mindful living.

Christine’s dedication extends beyond the yoga mat into every aspect of her life. Based in Granada, Spain, she leads a sustainable lifestyle, running a yoga school, organic farm and is a pioneer in the teaching of yoga for children and adolescents. Here she hosts annual yoga festival that attract participants from all over the globe, seeking to deepen their practice and connect with nature. Christine's life partner is Purivian and together they have been traveling to Peru for the last 25 years, together with their two children. Through her professional endeavors and personal example, Christine inspires a balanced lifestyle that harmonizes with her yoga philosophy, encouraging her students and peers to lead lives filled with purpose, health, and joy.

Christine McArdle

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curriculum highlights

Please note: This teacher training is approved with Yoga Alliance (Y.A.) and graduates are eligible to register with Y.A. as a Registered Yoga Teacher at the 200-hour level (RYT-200). The therapeutic perspective & curricular components of this training are based on the instructors' registration as a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (C-IAYT) and not derived from their status as an E-RYT 500 with the Y.A. Registry as the Y.A. Registry does not certify therapists, solely yoga teachers.

Certification as a RYT-200 with Yoga Alliance

A solid foundation in classical Hatha Yoga – including alignment based vinyasa flow and restorative yoga within a therapeutic framework.

An anatomy and biomechanically informed alignment system that helps to address common misalignments and keeps your students safe

Modifications and adaptations for all bodies, including special populations such as seniors, pregnancy, and those with injuries

Gain insights into your (true) nature through the wisdom of Yoga and its philosophy

Explore breath work, mantra and meditation as tools to create vibrant health and wellbeing in your life

Learn the art of sequencing yoga classes that honors your authentic voice and meets the needs of your student population

Business of Yoga & How to Build Your Yoga Community

Learn to share the practices with others in a safe and powerful way

Build self-confidence and tap into your amazing potential in a supportive, nurturing environment

Train with highly experienced, knowledgeable and passionate teachers and yoga therapists

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As a Medical Doctor and also a practitioner wanting to get certified with Yoga Alliance, I really appreciated the biomechanically sound alignment study this program offered.  Learning the alignment and applying that to pose analysis was very helpful learning to instruct and do the poses safely.  I really enjoyed working hard in our practices and our morning meditations.  We also had such a wonderful group, I admire and have much affection for them and the teachers as well.  I highly recommend this program - Robert 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Graduate

- Robert

Samadhi Yoga Center, located in the Sacred Valley of Peru, provides a unique opportunity to explore a land teeming with sacred ruins, where mysticism intertwines with the vibrant tapestry of Peruvian culture. You will wake up enchanted each morning as you enjoy yoga and meditation at the foothills of majestic peaks, nestled in the Inca's valley.

The surrounding sacred mountains offer dazzling vistas, setting the stage for a transformative journey.

At Samadhi's fully-equipped facilities, designed around the theme of the 7 chakras, you'll discover a beautiful studio providing a breathtaking panorama of the Sacred Valley, dedicated spaces for meditation and art, a versatile multifunction room, and serene spaces. The organic garden invites you to learn about native plants, surrounded by the majestic Andes Mountains. This harmonious blend of modern comforts and natural splendor creates an environment where you can commune with nature while enjoying awe-inspiring views.

During the program, you will have the unique opportunity to engage in transformative ceremonies led by Andean shamans, including the Despacho and Cacao rituals. These deeply moving sessions not only connect you to the spiritual essence of the region but also immerse you in the rich spiritual and cultural traditions of the Andean people, offering a profound link to ancient practices.

Your journey at Samadhi Yoga Center promises not just a physical retreat but a cultural and spiritual odyssey where the beauty of the landscape is complemented by the richness of the indigenous traditions that thrive in this sacred corner of the world.

Our SacreD VALLEY Location

During your time at the Peru Yoga Teacher Training, you'll have the chance to explore the rich and captivating culture of the Sacred Vally.

Two days off midway through the program are scheduled for those that want a chance to explore Machu Picchu. Other students plan for time before or after the program to have a bit more time to explore this South American wonder. Through the Samadhi Yoga Center you will easily be able to make the arrangements to Machu Pichu.

Opportunities to receive insightful coca leaf readings and learn about traditional Andean cleansing and healing practices are also available.

Other options for days off include visiting the indigenous villages of the Sacred valley, shopping in local markets, hiking to beautiful waterfalls, exploring sacred ruins, and enjoying the richness of this South American land.


This 200 Hour yoga teacher training has given me such a great opportunity for self-exploration and spiritual growth. This teacher training has been that force for me, helping me to venture outside of my comfort zone within our beautiful, supportive Kula (community). I feel truly blessed. I am more confident, passionate and healthy. I find Yoga’s teachings to be incredibly healing, they have helped me become more resilient, joyful and easeful. My sense of trust in the future and my ability to handle it gracefully blossomed. When I finished my practicum I was totally in awe at what I had achieved. I am now confident and excited to teach yoga. -Aubree, 200 hour & 300 Hour Peru Yoga Teacher Training Graduate

- Aubree

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the details

Enjoy three wonderful organic and super nutritous meals each day prepared by the local chef's and made with love. The cuisine at Samadhi is organic and super nutritious, balanced and healthy, prepared by master chefs and food-artists, 

Daily Vegan or Vegetarian Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner with option to include some fish or chicken meals. Water, coffee, herbal teas & fruits available all day for guests. Explore Peruvian cuisine and experience whole foods deliciously prepared often in ceramic pans using fresh, local organic ingredients. 


The Peru yoga teacher training  is scheduled as an intensive program. While the program days are full, the activities of the day are kept diverse and active. The days really are a wonderful mix of digesting concepts intellectually, applying the concepts experientially, and diving into the practices of yoga. Care is taken within the program schedule to ensure that students have a healthy experience both physically and mentally. We promise not to keep you sedentary for too long. There is physical activity and deep relaxation built into the program every day. Two days off mid-program provide you with time to explore and adventure to local sacred sites.

Meditation, pranayama, and gentle movement
Techniques or teaching methodology and active yoga class
Afternoon break to rest, hike, and enjoy nature
Restorative, gentle, therapeutic class, or Yoga Nidra. Philosophy, lifestyle, and ethics, anatomy, and physiology, practice teaching
Evening session




Daily Schedule







November 14-December 2, 2024

Plan to fly into the Alejandro Velasco Astete International Cusco Airport (CUZ), Peru. Taxi to the retreat is approximately $40-$66. We will coordinate shared taxis when possible and help you coordinate your transportation needs. It is not required to get a tourist visa prior to entering Peru for citizens of the United States, Canada, European Union Countries, and Switzerland. Please double check and make sure your Passport is valid six months beyond intended stay and have tickets and documents to show your return flight or onward travel. Also, ensure that you have two free pages in the visa section of your passport to allow for the tourist entry stamp at the airport border.


sign-up today!


Program Deposit & Tuition Payment Schedule

A $500 USD deposit will reserve your space and will be applied to the full tuition price listed above. Deposits, tuition, and housing payments minus a 10% processing fee, are refundable up to 31 days prior to retreat start date. The 10% processing fee will apply to all refunds and this fee covers credit card charges and administrative processing fees.

Retreat costs (housing and food) are due three months prior to the start date of the program or within two weeks of registering and your final tuition payment is due no later than one month prior to the program start date. If you would like to discuss alternate arrangements or a payment plan, please feel free to contact us directly and we would be happy to work something out. Ask about our buy now and pay later option through Afterpay, available only in United States at this time.

Fee-free transfers for documented health/emergency situations: If cancellation is necessary prior to the first day of the program due to documented health or emergency situations, a student’s deposit and tuition will be fully transferable to a future program with Soma Yoga Institute. In all other circumstances, due to the logistics involved in planning residential programs in retreat settings, we regret that we are unable to issue deposit/tuition/housing refunds 30 days or less prior to program start date. No refunds are issued on or after the program start date for any reason.

The all inclusive tuition price includes:

✨Three delicious and healthy meals per day prepared for you with love
✨Daily room cleaning, as needed towel changes, and weekly sheet changes
✨Yoga teacher training tuition
✨Instruction by world class C-IAYT yoga therapists and E-RYT 500 instructors with over 25 years of experience
✨A comprehensive 250 page Yoga Teacher Training Manual
✨Indigenous sound healing session, transformative ceremonies led by Andean shamans, including the Despacho and Cacao rituals
✨Six month access to our 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training content, an essential resource to support you as you move out into the world teaching yoga
✨Business of yoga curriculum to help you design the teaching career of your dreams
✨As needed mentoring after the program ends 

Prices vary based on housing choice:

🌈 Triple Suite - Single Bed $3750 USD All Inclusive Price
🌈 Triple Suite - Full Bed $3797 USD All Inclusive Price
🌈Double Suite - Full Bed $3997 USD All Inclusive Price
🌈Single Suite - Queen Bed $4747 USD All Inclusive Price

"I came for the purpose of learning how to safely get back into yoga after living in chronic pain for over 2 years. I am leaving with no pain in my mind, body, and heart. I was given the space to rest, recover, and to love myself.

The love and care of the instructors was amazing. The entire experience was so magical."

-Marlo Drago

"This experience has lifted me out of a stagnant place in my life and gave me new perspective. It allowed me to find myself again. The understanding I have of yoga now is more than I ever imagined with in-depth understanding/knowledge of the body and mind. I now feel comfortable designing my own sequences, practicing at home, and giving back my experience to the community. I truly believe my personal relationships will improve as a result of this 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training experience, as well as the way I look at the world. Peggy and Sam are the best teachers ever! Peggy is such a grounded soul, which was a totally positive influence on my life. Sam shines her heart out through her entire being and exercises love in all situations. This whole program came together beautifully. I cannot wait to recommend this program and to return to Soma Yoga for future training."

-Tess Johnson

"The therapeutic alignment, philosophy and chanting were some of my favorite aspects of the curriculum. I also loved the safe, supportive environment that Sam and Peggy created for us to feel comfortable at home, and to learn and absorb as much as possible. I have already taken a 200 hour program before but having been given the additional refinement on many aspects of what I have previously learned, coupled with the new material made this the perfect YTT experience. I am SO happy with all of it. I will absolutely recommend Soma to all and be back to return for more trainings."

-Larissa Noto

"This YTT was well-organized, thoughtfully sequenced, and led by two exceptionally knowledgeable, talented, and present instructors, Sam and Peggy. I loved the anatomy study and Sam ignited a passionate fire in me to always stay current with this ever-evolving, highly practical topic! I loved that Sam is a profoundly present and knowledgeable instructor. Her enthusiasm and openness and principled instruction comes from a very authentic and humble place. I also loved Peggy, who is full of physical and spiritual knowledge and her ability to present it to us as future teacher is remarkable. I would absolutely recommend this YTT course, which far exceeded my expectations, I also hope to return for a 300-hour YTT with Soma Yoga Institute, hopefully in Greece in 2021. "

-Rachel Drummond

"I loved the unity and connection of this program. It was such a safe space that was beautifully held for us all of which stemmed from Sam and Peggy’s leadership. The immersion and being able to practice what we preach around the clock surrounded by other yogis was amazing. I am so excited to recommend this training to others and hopefully train more with Soma Yoga in the future. Peggy and Sam are bright shining beings that so graciously guide people into the space of yoga. They created a warmly supportive environment that emanated through the entire group and training. Their vast catalog of knowledge comes through in everything they teach."

-Sandra Aurelia

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